Terms and Conditions

Bastech Solutions

  1. Ownership in any hardware or software (the Goods) sold to the Customer remains with Bastech Solutions until paid for in full. Until paid the Customer holds the Goods as fiduciary bailee and the Goods shall not form part of any other equipment owned by the Customer.
  2. Any quotation given for the supply of Goods remains valid for 30 days only
  3. Any services to be rendered by Bastech Solutions shall be charged for unless a fixed quotation is provided to the Customer. While Bastech Solutions will use its best endeavours to complete the task within the shortest time possible, any indication as to the time to be taken in completing any task shall be an estimation only. Bastech Solutions will not under any circumstances be liable for loss or damages whether direct or consequential for failure to complete any task within the estimated time
  4. Bastech Solutions shall not under any circumstances be liable to the Customer for any direct or consequential loss or damages and the Customer shall not be entitled to make any claim against Bastech Solutions due to:
    A. The supply of damaged or defective Goods;
    B. The failure of the Goods;
    C. The rendering of Bastech Solutions’s services;
    D. Any of the matters set out in paragraph 9 hereunder.
  5. The liability of Bastech Solutions shall at all times be limited to one of the following determined by Bastech Solutions namely:
    A. In the case of supply of Goods;
            To liase with the Supplier or Manufacturer for the replacement of Goods or the supply of equivalent Goods; or
            To liase with the  Supplier or Manfacturer for repair of the Goods; and
    B. In the case of service;
           The supply of the services again; or
           The cost of obtaining the service to be supplied again.
  6. The customer hereby acknowledges and agrees that Bastech Solutions shall have a lien over all Customers’ equipment in its possession belonging to the Customer to secure payment of any or all amounts outstanding from time to time.
  7. In the event of any increase in any costs of material, components, accessories, labour, insurance, freight, rail age, delivery, duties and rates if exchange between the date on which the contract is entered into and the date of delivery of the Goods to the Customer, the contract price shall be increased accordingly.
  8. In the event of payment not being made within 7 days of the date of this invoice, Bastech Solutions shall be entitled to charge a late payment fee of 2% of the total amount or $44 per month (whichever is greater) compounding monthly, from the due date of the payment.
  9. Bastech Solutions shall not be liable or responsible whether directly or consequently following the supply of services or Goods, for:
    A. Any data loss suffered by the Customer;
    B. Any conflict between the Goods supplied and the Customer’s existing equipment;
    C. Any security breaches, internal or external;
    D. Lack of compatibility between the Goods and the Customers existing equipment;
    E. The support of third party applications, or any hardware or software installed byBastech Solutions;
    F. The functionality of hardware and software except as provided in 5 above;
    G. Data loss or corruption to the Goods or the Customer’s equipment due to viruses irrespective of whether or not antivirus software was installed;
    H. Backup of data or update of antivirus software.
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